M&A Communication Tools

Tool 1: Suggested Core Message Content for Stakeholders
The typical content shared with stakeholders.

Tool 2: Employee Communications Survey
Survey to evaluate the effectiveness of communication efforts during the integration process.

Tool 3: Communications Planning Matrix
Communication planning template that should be completed by each Integration Team.

Tool 3 Example: Communications Planning Matrix
Completed example of a Communications Matrix.

Tool 4: Communication Effectiveness Criteria
Matrix of criteria by which merger integration communications should be judged.

Tool 5: Communication Event Evaluation Form
Template to assess communications events.  Can be adapted/edited for specific circumstances.

Tool 6: Acquisition Press Release Outline
The key topics to cover.

Tool 7: Announcement Presentation Outline to Acquirer’s Employees
Outline of presentation by CEOs.

Tool 8: Announcement Presentation Outline to Acquired Company’s Employees
Outline of presentation by CEOs.