Integration Management Office (IMO) Kickoff Agenda

Understand how we will work together:

  • Review rules of engagement to ensure pre-close compliance with HSR guidelines
  • Review our M&A integration process, structure, roles, and responsibilities
  • Build a solid foundation for ongoing teaming and collaboration …

Begin collaborating to enhance and evolve work in progress:

  • Review Day 1 messaging and key elements of the communication plan
  • Discuss & prioritize Day 1 and First 30 day initiatives and priorities
  • Align around the work stream objectives outlined in the team charter drafts

Begin integration work plan development:

  • Review next steps and timing for collaboration & work plan development

IMO Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Architect and manage the master integration timeline, all related activities, planning & execution deliverables
  • Assist with development of the integration plans for each work stream team
  • Provide tools & templates to help manage the work
  • Establish reporting framework for effective week-to-week management
  • Addresses cross-team dependencies and opportunities
  • Identify and escalate issues and risks 
  • Support stakeholder communication planning & execution
  • Secure auxiliary resources where needed ...

Slide titles:

IMO Responsibilities
IMO Responsibilities
Steering Committee Responsibilities
Steering Committee Responsibilities
Data Harvesting
Data Harvesting
Communication Plan Focus
Communication Plan Focus
Day 1 & Welcome Week Vision
Day 1 & Welcome Week Vision
Day 1 Deliverables - Playbooks
Day 1 Deliverables - Playbooks
Day 1 Deliverables - Collateral
Day 1 Deliverables - Collateral
Day 1 Messaging Feedback Work Session
Day 1 Messaging Feedback Work Session
Day 1 Mandatory & First 30 Day Initiatives
Day 1 Mandatory & First 30 Day Initiatives
Work Session Objectives & Instructions
Work Session Objectives & Instructions
Day 1 & First 30 Days Work Session Template
Day 1 & First 30 Days Work Session Template
Integration Charters
Integration Charters
Objectives & Instructions
Objectives & Instructions
Business Unit 1 – Key Objectives
Business Unit 1 – Key Objectives
Business Unit 2 – Key Objectives
Business Unit 2 – Key Objectives
Business Unit 3 – Key Objectives
Business Unit 3 – Key Objectives
Business Unit 4 – Key Objectives
Business Unit 4 – Key Objectives
Business Unit 4 – Key Objectives (cont.)
Business Unit 4 – Key Objectives (cont.)
Business Unit 5 – Key Objectives
Business Unit 5 – Key Objectives
Business Unit 6 – Key Objectives
Business Unit 6 – Key Objectives
Business Unit 7 – Key Objectives
Business Unit 7 – Key Objectives
Business Unit 7 – Key Objectives
Finance – Key Objectives
IT - Key Objectives
IT - Key Objectives
HR – Key Objectives
HR – Key Objectives
HR – Key Objectives (cont.)
HR – Key Objectives (cont.)
Safety – Key Objectives
Safety – Key Objectives
Legal – Key Objectives
Legal – Key Objectives
Environmental – Key Objectives
Environmental – Key Objectives
Sensitive and NonSensitive Information
Sensitive and NonSensitive Information