
  • Objectives of Communication Plan
  • Communication Components
  • Strategic  Conversations
  • Communication Action Items
  • April Communication Calendar
  • May Communication Calendar

Objectives of Communication Plan

  1. Develop an ongoing communication plan for our combined organizations after the integration concludes
  2. Establish a schedule to cascade information throughout the new  company to achieve intended results
  3. Open channels for two-way communications: top-down, bottom-up, and side-to-side across the organization
  4. Build in responsibility and accountability for communicating
  5. Design feedback loops to ensure that the process reinforces continuous learning and improvement

Slide titles:

Communication Planning Post-Integration
Communication Planning Post-Integration
Objectives of Communication Plan
Objectives of Communication Plan
Communication Components
Communication Components
Strategic Conversations
Strategic Conversations
Communication Action Items
Communication Action Items
April Communication Calendar
April Communication Calendar
May Communication Calendar
May Communication Calendar