
  1. A Plan for Managing External Communications / Press Releases Related to the Merger
  2. A Plan for Managing Internal Communications / Events Related to the Merger
  3. Communications to Ensure an Issue Free Day 1
  4. Communications for Managing the Successful Onboarding Orientation and Cultural Assimilation of Employees from Acquired Company

A Plan for Managing External Communications / Press Releases Related to The Merger

  • Identify external stakeholders (media, analysts, investors, members, vendors/suppliers, customers, strategic partners, etc.)
  • Develop post-close messaging guidance for all stakeholder groups Identify events requiring external communications/press releases (announcement, S4 filing, shareholder vote, DOJ approval, close, management team announcements, job loss announcements, etc.)
  • Develop first drafts of documents and circulate for input/review
  • Develop final drafts of documents and get appropriate approvals
  • Distribute through appropriate external channels

Slide titles:

4 Key Communication PMI Deliverables
4 Key Communication PMI Deliverables
A plan for managing external communications/press releases related to the merger
A plan for managing external communications/press releases related to the merger
A plan for managing internal communications/events related to the merger
A plan for managing internal communications/events related to the merger
Communications to ensure an issue-free Day 1
Communications to ensure an issue-free Day 1
Communications for managing the successful onboarding, orientation, and cultural assimilation of employees from acquired company.
Communications for managing the successful onboarding, orientation, and cultural assimilation of employees from acquired company.