The following includes the information to cover when announcing a merger or acquisition plus the guidelines to follow when writing the announcement.


Acquiring Company to Acquire Acquired Company (possibly mention price)


Other notable information

Paragraph 1: Announcement

Acquiring company announced today…

  • Amount (cash, stock)

Paragraph 2: Investor Relations

  • Stock
  • SEC implications

Paragraph 3: Why acquisition was initiated

  • How this will add value to acquiring company

Paragraph 4: Information about Acquired Company


  • What products/services/technology the company offers
  • What market it serves 

Paragraph 5: Quote from Acquiring Company CEO

Paragraph 6: Quote from Acquired Company CEO

Paragraph 7: Financial Implications

  • How this deal will be advantageous to the market the acquiring company serves

Paragraph 8: Specifics of Acquisition

  • How operations will be integrated
  • How the acquired company's products will be integrated
  • How will this affect customers

Paragraph 9: Background

  • Acquired company’s background information (boiler plate)
  • Acquiring company’s background information (boiler plate)


When writing a merger announcement, make sure the content and the format of the message are clear. Keep the following guidelines in mind:


  • Provide Substantial Information—The less work the reporter has to do in following up on your story, the more likely it will be published.
  • Offer Real News—A press release is not the place to write an advertisement for your business.  Real news is something that is unusual or noteworthy.
  • Be Direct—A good press release should answer the who, what, why, when, where, and how questions as briefly as possible.
  • Stay Objective—Do not offer opinions.  Just state the facts.
  • Avoid Buzz Words, Acronyms, and Jargon—Avoiding company or industry jargon and technical talk will help reporters understand your news more effectively.


  • Type the release double spaced on regular size paper.
  • Be brief—Try to keep it to one page.
  • Emphasize the most important information first.
  • Vary paragraph lengths.
  • Allow wide margins for editors to write.
  • Put the release date at the top of the page, as well as the company’s identification information.
  • Check carefully for spelling, grammar, etc.
  • Know the reporting deadlines. If a release arrives late, it will not be published