Leadership Assessments in M&A

Executive Talent Assessments

A critical and politically charged task in integration is deciding how to staff the new combined organization. You need to eliminate redundancies ... take out costs ... fill the most critical positions with the best people.

PRITCHETT’s Leadership Assessment Review is a disciplined “talent due diligence” process which gives you a penetrating assessment of strengths, weaker points, and potential of key players in firms that are being acquired and merged. As outsiders, our management/organizational psychologists can assess people and the situation with an experienced, strategic, dispassionate eye.

Our data-gathering process involves paperwork, testing with sophisticated standardized instruments, and an in-depth interview.  This requires about five hours of an executive’s time.  We then score and profile the tests, analyze the data, and prepare a rich, summary report which succinctly interprets/integrates the assessment findings.

The Leadership Assessment Review provides a longitudinal look at an individual’s education, personal makeup, work habits, career advancement, and future potential, giving our professional point of view regarding the person’s strengths, weaker points, and most appropriate “casting” within the merged organization.

Upon completion of our reports, we would schedule a comprehensive talent strategy debrief with the acquirer focused on the following:

  1. Candidate potential for succession planning purposes
  2. Staffing implications regarding the need to reassign, promote, recruit replacements, etc.
  3. Composition and structure of the executive leadership team
  4. Executive development initiatives

We also often recommend two-hour feedback sessions wherein the data is explained and discussed with the individual, always with an eye for (a) how to play to strengths, (b) how to mitigate, compensate for, or maneuver around weaker points, and (c) what developmental steps should be considered by the executive.  Invariably, participants find the feedback sessions to be compelling and highly constructive in positioning them to manage their future.  

Dr. Price Pritchett oversees or performs all of the leadership assessments. The key benefits of PRITCHETT assessments include:

  • Determine the best casting for individuals as you integrate management teams
  • Identify flight risks; surface critical information regarding people’s willingness to stay, be transferred, or reassigned
  • Understand how key players can be led, managed, and motivated most effectively
  • Broaden your insights into the organization’s bench strength for succession planning
  • Glean valuable insights into the existing corporate culture
  • Generate a data base for coaching/developing participants
  • Exhibit objectivity, fair-mindedness, and professionalism in staffing the merged firm

Leadership Assessment Summary Examples (names and specific details have been changed):

PRITCHETT has performed thousands of assessments of executives and managers. Call 800-992-5922 for more information. 


Talent Assessment of Senior Vice President

Results from Assessment of SVP (name of executive and details have been changed).

Talent Assessment of Chief Operating Officer

Results from Assessment of COO (name of executive and details have been changed).