Excerpt from First of Four Human Resources Charters:

PreClose/Planning Objectives

  • Ensure individuals identified for Retention; support creation of  Offer Letters; and readiness for Onboarding employees
  • Ensure plans developed to ensure readiness for Close / Day 1
  • International employee contracts are managed/ready for NewCo
  • Retention plan in place for all Acquired Co. employees who will not be long term employees of Acquirer
  • Recruiting plan to address new roles needed and backfills for Acquired Co. business
  • Work with Communications/Experience team to ensure that communications are ready for pre-close/Day 1/etc.
  • Employee data obtained from Acquired Co. and ready to be loaded into Workday
  • Employees are mapped and leveled into Acquirers job and compensation structures
  • Define training plan (including requirements from other functions) for Day 1 and beyond
  • Ready to enroll US Acquired Co. employees onto Acquirer’s health and welfare benefit plans with no gaps, grandfathered OOP/deductibles/copays for 2018, plan for international
  • Readiness for Acquirer 401(k) enrollment/rollover following shut down of Acquired Co. plan
  • Pre-close communication to US HR re: payroll schedule changes, impact of FICA reset
  • Plan to digitize Acquired Co. employee files

Day One Objectives

Employee Onboarding/New Hire Orientation Day

  • Data loaded into HRIS system
  • Employees badged
  • HRIS data feed to Paylocity and ready for first pay cycle
  • Mandatory trainings (Day 1/Week 1)
  • Benefits enrollment
  • 401(k) enrollment

Key Dependencies (Identify functional team)

  • Employee Onboarding (IT, Finance, Legal, HR)
  • Employee Communications (Marketing)
  • Badging 
  • Applications / Systems Access (HRIS, Corporate IT)
  • Employment matters: US/non-US (Legal)

Out of Scope / Deferred Past 180+ Days

  • Organizational re-design; will review Acquirer 2025
  • Payroll (included in Finance)
  • Communications and Employee Experience (separate cross-functional team)
  • New performance management process/system (in flight as a corporate project, will roll out Q1)

Risks / Mitigation Plan

  • Retention of Acquired Co. GM. / Mitigation: Determine long term operational plan
  • Potential for only short term retention of critical staff / Mitigation: Come up with knowledge transfer program and accelerate recruiting efforts to backfill areas and allow time to bring new team members up to speed
  • Potential that Non-US benefits are below market offering  / Mitigation: Conduct market study to assess gaps and determine go forward plan outside the US
  • Acquired Co PEO management of 401(k) plan termination communications / Mitigation: TBD ...

Slide titles:

Human Resources: 4 M&A Integration Charters from Different Acquisitions
Human Resources: 4 M&A Integration Charters from Different Acquisitions
Human Resources Charter
Human Resources Charter
Human Resources Integration Charter
Human Resources Integration Charter
Human Resources Charter (1)
Human Resources Charter (1)
Human Resources Charter (2)
Human Resources Charter (2)
Human Resources Integration Charter
Human Resources Integration Charter