Day 1


  1. Close the Deal
  2. Make a Good First Impression
  3. Communicate with Key Stakeholders
  4. Begin to Align the Organization


  •  Corporate – Ensure consistent message and coordinated outreach to key stakeholders
  •  Cultural/Engagement – Positive, informative and engaging introduction
  •  Functional – Provide employees with information needed to function on Day 1
  •  Branding/Signage – Consistent signage & branding (TBD)

Welcome Week


  1. Make a Good First Impression
  2. Maximize Touch Points
  3. Begin to Align the Organization


  •  Welcome Teams: Leader & HR
  •  Authentic interaction – minimal “pomp”
  •  Connect with employees formally, informally
  •  Keep it Simple

Day 1 Messaging

Is this messaging …

  • ­Understandable – does it make sense?
  • ­Believable – can you envision yourself delivering it convincingly?
  • ­Compelling – does it inspire you to be part of the team?
  • What will resonate most with employees?
  • What will resonate most with customers?
  • What doesn’t resonate with employees? Customers?
  • What’s missing?
  • What are other content considerations we can explore...

Slide titles:

Day 1 Messaging and Deliverables
Day 1 Messaging and Deliverables
Day 1 Deliverables - Playbooks
Day 1 Deliverables - Playbooks
Day 1 Deliverables - Collateral
Day 1 Deliverables - Collateral
Day 1 Messaging Feedback Session
Day 1 Messaging Feedback Session