
Objectives of Communication Plan
Core Messages
Communication Documents
External Communications
Plant-Level Communications Site HR Responsibility
Ongoing Communications
Organization Structure Announcement
Preparing to Communicate
Communication Matrix
Communications: Lessons Learned

Objectives of Communication Plan

  • To establish a communication process for the two companies as an integrated entity
  • Open channels for two-way communications: top-down, bottom-up, and side-to-side across the organization
  • Clarify communication expectations and deliverables for the last four months of the year 

Core Messages

  • The creation of a new organization with the best of two companies
  • Customer will have a fantastic product mix
  • The merger is not about a take-over; it’s about creating a stronger combined company
  • Potential for revenue and cost synergies is high
  • There is overlap between the companies, and therefore redundancies
  • Employees should prepare for change, stay focused, and remain productive
  • At present, there are more questions than answers
  • Next - communicate timelines and expectations ...

Slide titles:

M&A Integration Communications Plan
M&A Integration Communications Plan
Communications Plan: Agenda
Objectives of Communication Plan
Objectives of Communication Plan
Core Messages
Core Messages
Communication Documents
Communication Documents
External Communications
External Communications
Plant-Level Communications Site HR Responsibility
Plant-Level Communications Site HR Responsibility
Ongoing Communication Channels
Ongoing Communication Channels
Organization Structure Announcement
Organization Structure Announcement
Preparing to Communicate
Preparing to Communicate
Communication Matrix
Communication Matrix
Communications: Lessons Learned
Communications: Lessons Learned
Communications: Lessons Learned
Communications: Lessons Learned