Matrices completed by five work streams on M&A integrations. Includes instructions.


Complete the columns of the communication matrix with the following information: 


What type of message is being conveyed?

·       The type of announcement; the main subject of the message


Why is the message being conveyed?

·       To announce the merger/acquisition

·       To answer the “me” issues

·       To communicate the financial impact of the merger/acquisition

·       To provide reassurance and commitment to continued partnerships


Which stakeholders are you trying to reach?

·       External - employees, customers, contractors, suppliers, distributors, 

      shareholders, community, trade groups, government, etc.

·       Internal -  executives, managers, leaders, rank and file employees, function

Core Messages

What does the message need to convey to internal audiences?

·       Reasons behind the deal, agreement highlights

·       Vision and strategy for the future of the combined company

·       Any known changes in operations (e.g., plant closings, layoffs)

·       Need for continued productivity

·       Transition structure—Steering Committee, IMO, Functional Teams, etc.

·       Integration planning progress and completion dates

·       Deal price, impact to earnings

·       Advantage of additional service offerings

·       Continued commitment to clients

What does the message need to convey to externa l audiences?

·       Deal price

·       Reasons behind the deal—expected synergies, agreement highlights

·       Any known changes in operations (e.g., plant closings, layoffs)

·       Strategy going forward

·       Customer impact


How will the message be delivered?

·       Deliver the message through several channels:

-      Meetings/Presentations

-      Written Announcements

-      Information Packets

-      Press Releases

-      Phone Calls

-      Intranet


When and where will the message be delivered?

·       Date, time

·       On site, off site


Who is responsible for delivery of the message?

·       Responsibility is divided appropriately between:

-      Executives – announcement to key managers

-      Key managers – announcement to staff

-      Public Relations/Communications – announcement to media

-      Chief Financial Officer – communication to analysts

-      Relationship/Account Managers – communication to customers

To Do

What additional information should be added to the matrix?

·       Comments or remaining tasks to complete communication