
  • Approach
  • Acquired Co Employees Impacted In 3 Ways
  • Required Co Employee Selection and Placement
  • Engaging with Acquired Co Employees Pre-Close
  • Rules of Engagement
  • Selection Process for Functions Being Scaled Back
  • Step 1: Workforce Planning Results in Acquirer Talent Needs
  • Step 1: (Cont.) Workforce Planning Identifies Acquired Co Positions Being Affected
  • Step 2: Candidate Pooling Identifies the Talent to Be Assessed
  • Step 3: Selection Will Be Driven by Assessment of Experience and Performance
  • Step 4: Employees Not Selected Will Be Considered for In-Placement and Out -Placement    
  • Guidelines for Selection
  • Service Eligibility
  • In-Placement Services
  • Pre-Notification

Step 1:  Workforce Planning Identifies Acquired Co. Positions Being “Affected”

An “affected” position is a job in which:

  • The number of current positions is reduced
  • The position is moved to a new location
  • The position changes more than 20% (degree of job change “ determined using a number of criteria, including an externally conducted job evaluation, if necessary.)
  • The position is eliminated altogether

Only incumbents in “affected” positions will undergo the selection process

  • If a position is not “affected”, the employee will be automatically transitioned to Acquirer
  • If the position is eliminated, the employee proceeds automatically to in-placement/out-placement ...

Slide titles:

M&A Talent SelectionPlan
M&A Talent Selection Plan
Acquired Co. Employees Impacted in 3 Ways
Acquired Co. Employees Impacted in 3 Ways
Acquired Co. Employee Selection and Placement
Acquired Co. Employee Selection and Placement
Engaging with Acquired Co. Employees Pre-Close
Engaging with Acquired Co. Employees Pre-Close
Rules of Engagement
Rules of Engagement
Selection Process for Functions Being Scaled Back
Selection Process for Functions Being Scaled Back
Step 1A: Workforce Planning Results in Acquirer Talent Needs
Step 1A: Workforce Planning Results in Acquirer Talent Needs
Step 1B: Workforce Planning Identifies Acquired Co. Positions Being “Affected”
Step 1B: Workforce Planning Identifies Acquired Co. Positions Being “Affected”
Step 2: Candidate Pooling Identifies the Talent to be Assessed
Step 2: Candidate Pooling Identifies the Talent to be Assessed
Step 3. Selection will be Driven by Assessment of  Experience and Performance
Step 3. Selection will be Driven by Assessment of Experience and Performance
Step 4: Employees not Selected will be Considered for In-Placement and Out-Placement
Step 4: Employees not Selected will be Considered for In-Placement and Out-Placement
Guidelines on Selection
Guidelines on Selection
Service Eligibility
Service Eligibility
In-Placement Services
In-Placement Services