Team Exercises

  1. Value Drivers
  2. Integration Complete
  3. Early Wins Exercise
  4. Team Planning Breakout
  5. Client Support

Exercise 2: Integration Complete Example

Integration will be complete when we have …

  • Transitioned our back office financial systems from two platforms to a single, live SAP platform
  • Rationalized all sales offices in overlapping regions and terminated ties to legacy real estate
  • Defined, communicated, and implemented the new organizational structure such that everyone understands their new reporting relationship and role
  • Transitioned all product manufacturing to one of our two “centers of excellence” and closed all legacy sites
  • Standardized on a single sales operation platform such that all customer data for the combined customer base is accessible to all sales support reps ...

Slide titles:

Post-Merger Integration Team Planning Exercises
Post-Merger Integration Team Planning Exercises
Team Exercises
Team Exercises
Exercise 1: Value Drivers
Exercise 1: Value Drivers
Exercise 2: Integration Complete
Exercise 2: Integration Complete
Exercise 3: Early Wins Exercise
Exercise 3: Early Wins Exercise
Exercise 4: Team Planning Breakout
Exercise 4: Team Planning Breakout
Exercise 5: Client Support
Exercise 5: Client Support