Managing Uncertainty in M&A Workshop

Uncertainty usually triggers costly problems well before the deal is done. If unaddressed, uncertainty can damage productivity, quality, customer service, talent retention, and, ultimately, profitability. Sometimes it even dooms the chances for a successful deal. The Managing Uncertainty in M&A training program helps protect the performance of soon-to-be acquired companies during the vulnerable "hang time" between when the merger is announced and changes are eventually made.

Topics Addressed

  • Differences between managing uncertainty and managing change
  • Preparation and the need for speed
  • Communication and talent retention best practices
  • Identification of priorities

Key Objectives

  • Provide insights on how to re-recruit your keepers
  • Set the right expectations about the integration process and its inherent complexities
  • Identify the potential opportunities and merger challenges
  • Teach how to communicate effectively even when there are more questions than answers
  • Coach on how to keep the organization engaged and focused despite distractions
  • Instruct on how to "wait and do" rather than "wait and see" while the integration is being planned
  • Shoot down misconceptions and falsehoods about the merger
  • Reinforce the business logic behind every deal
  • Demonstrate how to use the PRITCHETT toolkit to tackle pre-close priorities


  • Tools for:
    • Navigating uncertainty
      Managing the transition
      Communicating effectively
      Maintaining business focus
      Retaining key players
  • Book Options:
      The Unfolding: A Handbook for Living Strong, Being Effective, and
    Knowing Happiness During Uncertain Times
    The Employee Guide to Mergers and Acquisitions

Primary Result

This high-impact M&A workshop primes your organization for change and sets the stage for merger success.

PRITCHETT recommends that merging companies roll out the shorter version of this workshop to all employees.

M&A Research statistics



Top 10 ways to protect your career in merger


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Managing Uncertainty in M&A Workshop.