Agenda for the Mergers & Acquisitions Communications Team Kickoff Meeting

  • Introductions
  • Meeting Purpose
  • Project Details
  • Project Structure
  • Integration Communication Team Structure and Charter
  • Communication Strategy/Process
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Integration Communication Plan
  • Communication Deliverables
  • Next Steps and Reflections


Purpose—To ensure we are all in agreement about the objectives of the team, we will document what we will deliver, how we will measure success, how we will communicate with other project teams, what our resource needs are, and possible barriers or constraints.

Communication Plan

  • Communication Goals
  • Communication Team Roles and Responsibilities
  • Team Members
  • Communication Design Elements
  • Communication Matrix
  • Discussion of Specific Vehicles
  • Communication Effectiveness Evaluation
  • Review of current Implementation Communication Plan

Communication Deliverables

  • Project Messages—kickoffs, updates, summaries of key meetings/events
  • Delivery vehicles—presentations, memos, letters, email, newsletters, intranet/Web sites
  • Open houses
  • Brown bags
  • Feedback mechanisms
  • Special events
  • Promotional materials
  • Communication Effectiveness Evaluation...



Slide titles:

Mergers & Acquisitions Communications Team Agenda
Details About the Integration
Details About the Integration
Integration Structure
Integration Structure
Integration Communication Team
Integration Communication Team
Chartering the Integration Communication Team
Chartering the Integration Communication Team
Communication Strategy
Communication Strategy
Team Roles and Responsibilities
Team Roles and Responsibilities
Communication Plan
Communication Plan
Communication Deliverables
Communication Deliverables
Next Steps and Reflections
Next Steps and Reflections