Employee survey includes twenty-one questions in the following five categories: Demographics, Merger Announcement, Between Announcement and Close, During the Integration, and Overall.


1. Were you employed by the Acquirer or the Acquired Company before the acquisition?
2. Had you ever been through another merger before this deal?
3. What was your primary location at the time of the announcement?
4. Have your job duties changed significantly since the closing of the deal?

Regarding the Announcement of the Acquisition

5. How and when did you receive formal notification of the deal?
6. Had you heard specific rumors about the merger before you were formally told about it?
7. On a scale of 1 to 7 (1 being poor and 7 excellent) how would you rate the way in which the announcement was handled?8. Do you have any comments or suggestions on how to improve the announcement of major changes in the future?

Between Announcement and Close of the Deal

9. Did you feel that efforts were made to answer questions after the announcement?
10. How would you describe the impact on productivity immediately after the announcement? (Choose one of the following...