M&A Day 1 Readiness Checklist  (Over 270 Tasks)


Preparation Completed by Day 1

On Track Playbooks: SC Review
On Track Corporate communications / IR review
Escalate Customer-facing Webcast
On Track Supplier-facing Webcast
On Track Employee-facing webcast with HR professionals
On Track Day 1 Timeline Completed
On Track Meet with Heads and Leads to incorporate "alignment" tactics for Day 1
On Track Review Timeline in Joint IMO to troubleshoot
On Track Provide Final timeline to all heads and leads in Smartsheet
On Track Day 1 Logistics determined
On Track Go/No Go on Day 1 Intranet
On Track Prep Email distribution lists
On Track Review key priorities, synergy capture and objectives for first 90 days.  
On Track Confirm speakers
On Track Obtain org charts from both Acquirer & Acquired Co., interviews, census
On Track Master Day 1 Playbooks (Employees, Customers, Suppliers)
On Track Finalize Key Messages / High-Level Talking Points
On Track Finish playbooks
On Track Playbooks: IMO Review
On Track Determine Day 1 hosting alternative, if necessary
On Track Produce Day 1 video 
On Track Upload Day 1 video
On Track Day 1 SLC Town Hall Meeting
On Track Confirm Time for Town Hall Meeting
On Track Confirm Location for Town Hall Meeting
On Track Confirm Invitees & Distribution List
At Risk Finalize presentation...

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