Day 1

  • Build and present the Peer-to-Peer Matrix for Target Co. employees
  • Build agenda/outline of events
  • Draft speeches, rewrites and edits
  • Define all stakeholders (Presenters, audience, support staff, etc. to execute ALL day tasks/functions from food, audio, laptops, hotel, etc.)
  • Create invite to Day 1 (email, letters, webinars, voicemail etc.)
  • Set date for invite(s) to go: First one immediately after Press Release and Investor Call, and a reminder early in the morning of Day 1. Include location address and specific times
  • Website: make all adjustments and key information for Target employees available online. Include investor link and provide a FAQ's link for employees 
  • Invite all off-site employees into webinar/audio for Day 1 event
  • Have appropriate HR personnel onsite for Day 1 to address questions/issues/concerns about new benefits…