
  • Communications Plan
  • Pre-Close Communications Meeting
  • Pre-Close Communications Meeting Agenda
  • Key Events
  • Day1 Town Hall Webcast
  • Week 1 Onwards - Group Function Engagement
  • Senior Leadership Meeting
  • Key Messages
  • All Employees
  • Manufacturing – Plant Employees
  • Customers
  • Suppliers
  • Homepage Template

Key Events

15 Days Prior to Close:

  • Finalize all communications materials
  • Prepare Site Visits and material

10 Days Prior to Close:

  • Complete Integration Portal
  • Prepare Site Visit Logistics
  • Conduct Preparatory Meeting

5 Days Prior to Close:

  • Obtain clearance on closing
  • Email all leaders on finalized closing date and final communications materials
  • Prepare executives for press release distribution and media channels

Day 1 :

  • 6am: Press release crosses PR newswire (align with Boral ASX release)
  • 6am: CEO Message distributed
  • 6am: Invite sent for Site Visits
  • Website / Social Media banner released
  • Sales teams plan local customer, supplier, employee outreach
  • Site Visits – Town Halls with Employees
  • Customer and Supplier Letters sent

Day 2 and 3:

  • Customer and supplier outreach (engagement)

Slide titles:

Post-Merger Integration Communications Plan for Day 1
Post-Merger Integration Communications Plan for Day 1
Post-Merger Integration Communications Plan Content
Communications Plan
Communications Plan
Pre-Close Communications Meeting
Pre-Close Communications Meeting
Pre-Close Communications Meeting Agenda
Pre-Close Communications Meeting Agenda
Key Events
Key Events
Day 1 Town Hall Webcast
Day 1 Town Hall Webcast
Week 1 Onwards - Group Function Engagement
Week 1 Onwards - Group Function Engagement
Senior Leadership Meeting
Senior Leadership Meeting
Key Messages and Tasks
Key Messages and Tasks
All Employees
All Employees
Manufacturing - Plant Employees
Manufacturing - Plant Employees
Homepage Template
Homepage Template