Post Merger Integration Management Prediction

  • It will become crazy busy. 
  • There will be a high volume of planned activity. 
  • And a very high volume of non-planned activity.

“In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are  useless, but planning is indispensable.”   - Dwight D. Eisenhower

Objective of Presentation

Defined process for efficiently and effectively:

  • Determining status of integration projects
  • Communicating status to/with senior leadership


  • Weekly project review of integration projects with a standard format for status reporting
  • Weekly program review with senior leadership to share status, objectives, issues and risks, to seek help as needed, and to receive executive guidance

Guiding Principle

  • No Surprises

Integration Management Office Guidance

1. This is the beginning of a discussion:

  • Format should be tailored to what works for you
  • Format  and process will evolve

2. No surprises: 

  • Honest status - the good, the bad and the ugly
  • IMO should never hear about a project issue from someone else before he hears it from you

3. Effective: 

  • Cover what you need to cover - the right content at the right level of detail

4. Efficient: 

  • Cover only what needs to be covered. 
  • No busy work - for you or your PMs;  leverage what you already have.

5. Commitment to a repeatable process:

  • Something that becomes almost automatic.  It becomes part of the flow of your week...

Slide titles:

Program Management
Program Management
IMO Guidance
IMO Guidance
Template - Project Name
Template - Project Name
Next Steps
Next Steps
Example Weekly Deck Starts Here . . .
Example Weekly Deck Starts Here . . .
Program Management Example
Program Management Example
Day 1 Objectives
Day 1 Objectives
ERP Financial Close Calendar Alignment
ERP Financial Close Calendar Alignment
Project Status
Project Status
Template - Project Name (2)
Template - Project Name (2)