Post-merger integration is the process of integrating an acquired organization to the extent necessary to realize the anticipated benefits from a deal. The intent of the deal should determine which functions and areas to fully integrate and which, if any, to partially integrate or leave alone.

The Post-Merger Integration Process:

  1. Define Integration Strategy and Guiding Principles
    Facilitate executive session with senior leaders to determine planning direction and clarify integration goals, the extent of the integration, assumptions, non-negotiables, success metrics, and vision.
  2. Determine M&A Integration Governance
    Define the hierarchy, structure, roles, and resources for the integration project.
  3. Conduct Integration Management Office (IMO) Meeting
    Plan and facilitate an IMO kickoff event to formally commence the integration process and officially onboard integration teams by reviewing pre-planning input, rules of engagement, objectives, and methodology.
  4. Provide Post Merger Integration Training
    Teach integration teams a common methodology for the integration. Level set everyone with the same information.
  5. Develop Post Merger Integration Risk Management Plan
    Create risk management plan that proactively addresses major events that could negatively impact the integration.
  6. Develop Culture Integration Plans
    Perform culture analysis that isolates the cultural risk factors that pose the greatest integration challenges and develop plans to address them.
  7. Develop Post Merger Integration Communication Plans
    Create detailed communication plans including detailed Day 1, week 1 schedule, and event sequence.
  8. Develop Post Merger Staffing & Retention Plans
    Develop approach, process, and timing for “Newco” cost and organization structure recommendations.
  9. Develop M&A Project Integration Plans
    Create a comprehensive project plan and timeline for all integration activities including a detailed integration road map that includes integrated schedule, budget, and milestones for each functional work stream.
  10. Execute Acquisition Integration Plans (Includes Day 1 Plans)
    Implement plans and closely monitor the success of implementation with respect to quality, time, costs, and synergies.
  11. Capture M&A Integration Lessons Learned
    Debrief to document and capture key learnings about the integration process.