Meeting Objectives

Discuss how all retention, severance, outplacement, transition and synergy-linked incentives will support the goal of engaging and motivating people to perform and behave appropriately through the transition period


  • Meeting Objectives
  • Timing of Announcement of Job Status to All Employees
  • Timing Dependencies
  • Timing of Announcement of Tier 1 Organization Design and Staffing Decisions
  • Pre-Close Retention Incentives Acquirer
  • Severance for Acquirer Employees Post -Close
  • Post -Close Outplacement Services 
  • Transition Incentives
  • Post -Close Incentives Linked to Synergies
  • Organization Design ,Staffing, and Retention Interdependencies
  • Interview Process
  • Transition Agreements
  • Severance
  • Reductions in Force
  • Staffing Q&A
  • Staffing Deliverables


Agree on a date when we can provide answers to all employees in the combined organization on their employment status (i.e., Close plus 30, 60, 90 days)

  • Group One: People who have jobs with the combined organization
  • Group Two: People who do not have jobs with the combined organization
  • Group Three: People who are needed temporarily through a specified transition period, but not permanently

Work backwards from that date to determine when Tier 1 org. design and staffing decisions must be made to support that decision, respecting the fact that certain hurdles must be cleared (i.e., shareholder  vote, regulatory approval, or Close)

Slide titles:

Post-Merger Staffing and Retention
Post-Merger Staffing and Retention
Meeting Objectives
Meeting Objectives
Meeting Objectives (cont.)
Meeting Objectives (cont.)
Timing of Announcement of Job Status to all Employees
Timing of Announcement of Job Status to all Employees
Timing Dependencies
Timing Dependencies
Timing of Announcement of Tier 1 Org. Design and Staffing Decisions
Timing of Announcement of Tier 1 Org. Design and Staffing Decisions
Pre-Close Retention Incentives Acquirer
Pre-Close Retention Incentives Acquirer
Severance for Acquirer Employees Post-Close
Severance for Acquirer Employees Post-Close
Post-Close Outplacement Services
Post-Close Outplacement Services
Transition Incentives
Transition Incentives
Post-Close Incentives Linked to Synergies
Post-Close Incentives Linked to Synergies
Org. Design, Staffing, and Retention Interdependencies
Org. Design, Staffing, and Retention Interdependencies
Interview Process
Interview Process
Transition Agreements
Transition Agreements
Reductions in Force
Reductions in Force
Staffing Q&A
Staffing Q&A
Staffing Q&A
Staffing Q&A
Staffing Q&A
Staffing Q&A
Staffing Q&A
Staffing Q&A
Staffing Deliverables
Staffing Deliverables