Leadership Qualities Rated        

Business Acumen
Understands overall business goals; maintains or increases financial performance and market share through the application of sound business principles and knowledge.

Client Development/Management
Demonstrates the ability to grow our business in both current customers and the marketplace; knows and understands customer needs and anticipates opportunities.

Collaborative Relationships
Works across internal, external and geographic boundaries to deliver customer value; partners with individuals at all levels and in all functions to ensure that organizational objectives are met.

Decision Making
Demonstrates ability to use sound judgement balanced with creative solutions in a timely, systematic and resourceful way.

Develops Workforce Competencies to Support Company Strategy
Strengthens the competitive, core competencies of the organization by continually building those skills and areas of expertise in the workforce--through training, assignments, mentoring, job rotation--using all available means of development.

Emotional Aptitude
Has the perceptive and intuitive sensitivity necessary to successfully deal with diverse people and situations.

Executive-Level Presentation Skills
Demonstrates the ability to develop relationships at the senior levels of customer organizations and persuade/influence decisions of individuals at those levels.

High-Performance Climate Creator
Ability to hire, lead, direct, and motivate a team; sets high standards, provides tools and coaching for achievement, then rewards and recognizes high performers.

Inspires Shared Purpose
Able to establish with a team the group's mission and goals then accomplish those goals through teamwork and across functional boundaries.  Creates high-performance climate.

Integrity and Values
Behaviors are consistent with organizational values; gains respect from employees, peers and customers through keeping commitments and treating others with respect.

Intellectual Aptitude
Has the cognitive abilities (brainpower) to quickly grasp the depth and breadth of a situation and address appropriately.

P&L Management
Constantly monitors financial performance and creates actions plans to improve financial performance.  Understand all elements of the P&L.  Accurately budgets and forecasts.

Recognizes problems and opportunities; considers all sides of a situation and works to appropriately identify solutions.

Results Oriented
Gets the job done in a timely manner; meets objectives without sacrificing relationships or integrity.  Meets or exceeds deadlines.

Seizes Opportunities
Demonstrates initiative and innovation; takes calculated risks.  Understands and anticipates customer needs to leverage our competitive advantage.            

Thinks Strategically
Sets goals and makes decisions based on overall business strategies.  Does not engage in "silo" thinking or activity, but rather manages to the "big picture".