During mergers, people reexamine how the organization being created fits with their personal goals and ideals. As leaders, it is important to identify those individuals most critical to the success of the merger and “re-recruit” them to stay. This document is intended to give leaders a framework for organizing their thoughts on re-recruitment. The key is not to focus only on those viewed as a risk for leaving, but also on those whose departure would have a significant negative impact on the organization.

Following are the steps to complete:

  1. Assess Impact of Loss – Identify how critical each individual is to the business.
    • “1” = Critical – This individual is extremely critical to the organization during the transition and/or moving forward with the organization. Replacement would be nearly impossible within a short time frame and would seriously jeopardize the transition and/or beyond.
    • “2” = Important – This individual is critical to the organization and replacing them would be difficult resulting in delays and disruptions during the transition process and ...