Communicating Merger to Employees

To: All Employees
From: Senior VP 

It's now been three months since we completed the merger to form (company name). The objectives of this email are to update you on how the integration of the two businesses is progressing, to explain what integration challenges lie ahead, and to highlight how you can continue to help the company deliver on its potential.

First of all, I'd like to thank you for your cooperation and hard work. Integrating two companies is tough, and I recognize that many of you have put in significant additional effort to help the two companies begin operating as one.

I'd also like to thank everyone for their patience. During a transition there are always more questions than answers, and I appreciate your ability to stay focused and productive in spite of the inevitable ambiguity and uncertainty that mergers always bring.

We still have more to do. I'm aware of the differences in operating styles of the two companies and am committed to the continuous evolution of a new and effective (company name) culture.  We are working with the senior management team to architect a set of operating guidelines to deliver on this objective.

You’ll be hearing more about this in the weeks to come and will have an opportunity to help shape our corporate culture so that we can best serve our customers and realize our vision for the company. 

The multiple demands of planning our future strategy, running the business on a day-to-day basis, and dealing with the demands of the merger have interfered with more frequent communications. I hope this email is a demonstration of my commitment to continue to improve in this area. We are putting together a thorough communication plan to ensure that all employees will be informed about our progress on a regular and timely basis.

I’m hoping as we go forward that you’ll ...