Introduction: Job Hunting

Frankly, almost all of us are amateurs at it.

If we find ourselves needing to make a career move, we may pick up a book about job search and start cramming. We might check out a couple of websites for advice on resumes or how to interview. Maybe we attend a workshop to learn techniques for finding employment.

Of course, most people just feel their way along until they land a job offer. And they make a lot of rookie mistakes.

It’s not that job hunting is so complex. It’s just that we don’t do it on a regular basis.

Actually, searching for a new job is a game of fundamentals. We’re not likely to score with some trick play, but rather by mastering the basic “blocking and tackling.”

This handbook boils down the latest job-related research and gives you the know-how you need. No more “winging it.” No more wasted effort on a time-consuming, trial-and-error approach. Here’s the hard-core truth about job-hunting practices that ...