
Guiding Principles
End States

Guiding Principles

Fundamental truth, belief, or behavior that serves as the foundation for decision-making

Description of Principles

  1. Break through conservatism, drive early sales engagement and R&D work
  2. Solve and elevate major issues promptly
  3. Warmly welcome, collaborate with and "re-recruit" (ongoing) our new colleagues
  4. Inform (head), inspire (heart) and equip (hands) - including salespeople in each region
  5. Value drivers are top priority
  6. This shouldn't be over-engineered; focus on what's most important
  7. Roles and responsibilities are visible and understood, as is progress (vs targets)
  8. Stakeholders will engage (or be engaged) at a consistent and appropriately frequent pace
  9. Monitor progress on agreed KPIs
  10. Recognize this as a "first" and learn from missteps ...


Slide titles:

Steering Committee M&A Integration Initial Decisions
Steering Committee M&A Integration Initial Decisions
Steering Committee Initial Decisions Agenda
Steering Committee Initial Decisions Guiding Principles
Guiding Principles
Steering Committee Initial Decisions End State
End State
Steering Committee Initial Decisions Priorities
 Steering Committee Initial Decisions Non-Negotiables
 Steering Committee Initial Decisions Risks