What's Your Merger IQ?

Companies often struggle through integrations because managers have been taught little about the process or, even worse, have been taught the wrong things. Many of the correct moves are not obvious.  

Learn what you really know about merger management. Take our 16-question online Merger IQ exam. The answers to the test are based on PRITCHETT LP's three decades of acquisition integration consulting experience.

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Once you start the test, you will have only 5 minutes to answer 16 True/False questions.


Good Luck.

Learn the right moves to make and the mistakes to avoid. Attend an upcoming PRITCHETT Merger Integration Certification Workshop.

Question 1:


Moving quickly during merger integration is reckless. It is a critical situation ... there's too much at stake not to take the time to "do it right the first time."


Question 4:


It is important to try to keep people happy during an integration and focus on only the win-win aspects of the situation.


Question 15:


In order to maintain productivity, management needs to focus attention on re-recruiting those employees in greatest resistance.


Question 8:


Attaining one common corporate culture should be a top integration priority.


Question 9:


With all of the instability that a merger creates, the number one priority should be to stabilize the organization to its pre-announcement condition.


Question 10:


The best way for leaders to help people deal with the merger pressures is not to expect more from rank and file employees.


Question 12:


When things are changing as fast as they can in a merger, managers need to look for what is going right, not what is going wrong.


Question 3:


On average, employees in acquired companies spend more than one hour per day distracted and worried about the merger.


Question 5:


About 10% of senior managers in target companies typically leave in the first year after a merger.


Question 7:


According to a study reported by Harvard Business Review, 90% of senior and middle managers in acquired organizations are psychologically unprepared for the changes in status and organizational structure they encounter following their mergers.